About Me

Hi! My name is Ian VanderSchee. Yep, that’s Dutch, but I wasn’t born in the Netherlands. I was born and raised in Canada. I earned my Bachelor of Mathematics at the University of Waterloo, and my Bachelor of Education at Brock University in St. Catharines.

After a few years out of colleges, I met a Texas girl, and that was enough for me to marry her and move to Texas. I’ve been here ever since. The weather is hot, but I’m used to it.

I’ve taught all levels of middle and high school math, but I’m currently teaching International Baccalaureate math.

I have two boys. They make me laugh more than anything else.

Other than teaching and family, I take joy in sitting down to watch a good movie on TV. I also like puzzles of any kind, especially while drinking a very good cup of coffee.

  1. Hey, just wanted to let you know about an interesting piece of software we developed to help kids do math exercises. It uses Facebook time as a reward for performance. Check it out at http://getaftermath.com and please drop me a line if you’d like to discuss or write an article about it.

  2. Help us promote math education with the Math Video Challenge!

    Dear Ian,
    As a proponent of math education in the United States, we need your help to promote our nationwide math competition by blogging or posting about it on your blog/forum.

    As you probably already know, despite the fact that the US spends the most money on education per capita, our students are ranked 25th globally for math proficiency. The MATHCOUNTS Foundation is a nonprofit dedicated to improving that statistic. MATHCOUNTS’ third annual “ Math Video Challenge” is a math competition for 6th to 8th graders that encourages student innovation as they create and star in their own math videos, thus exciting them to pursue higher education in math.

    As the webmaster of blue shirt khaki pants, we are asking you to help support this effort by mentioning us in your next blog or forum post or promoting our logo with a link to the site. So far this contest has gathered over 500
    submissions and millions of views on the videos. Our goal this year is this year is to do even better. With your help, we are confident we will reach this goal.

    For more information on MATHCOUNTS or the Math Video Challenge, visit our webpages at mathcounts.org and videochallenge.mathcounts.org/math-camera-action.



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